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Traditional Thai Massage – The Wat Po School

Massage is an ancient, natural healing therapy. It is very popular and useful nowadays, because it is safe, it has no side effects, it is not toxic or hazardous for the health. Its greatest advantage is that warm sensation of the massage.

The first international document that mentions Thai massage is the memoir of Simon de Loubere, who was a French liaison officer at the Thai Royal Court in Ayutthaya in 1661.

Thai massage is passed on from generation to generation. Students used to learn from their hearts. Some more difficult teachings were lost on the way, they were neglected. Based on a royal decree, in 1836, during the reign of King Rama ancient arts and sciences were collected in Wat Po, creating a new type of universities. These contain medical sciences, pharmacopeias and massage. The body lines and points are illustrated on 60 images. It also includes special massage therapies for various symptoms and diseases.

According to a royal decree, in 1906, during the reign of King V. Rama the Great all ancient medical sciences were translated from the various ancient languages to the Thai language of today, and they were noted in handwriting as the Royal Medical Text Book named “Tum Ra Pade Sard Songkroah (Chabub Luang)”. The book contains the techniques of massage, lines and points, which are called “Tum Ra Nuad Chabub Luang” (Hand Therapy).

In May 1962 Mon Ponl Tomyanin, the first director of Wat Po Medical and Massage School opened the massage courses. Several massage instructors were invited from various locations. Up till now, they teach their unique techniques to their students.

In 1991 Mr. Kumthorn Tangtrongchitr, the former president of Wat Po Medical and Massage Association suggested the school to create a standard, governing massage course. Several seminars were held between October and December 1991.

The 18 teachers eventually came to the conclusion that the basic massage should be based on the points of the 10 main massage lines. These lines can be applied easily and generally. Only the safely applicable ones were selected from the stretching and yoga positions as well. Special positions and exercises can only be practiced after adequate practice and experience, and even then, with great caution and in a personalized way.


The world famous Thai massage is one of the most ancient, most popular and most effective eastern therapies. Thai massage balances the elements of the body.

If someone is healthy, vital energy flows through the meridians uninterrupted. Immoderate lifestyle, emotional stress, weakness or injuries disturbs this process. Massage can bring the blocked energies back to their calm flow. It increases the defensive power of the body, it can be applied for sleep disorders, anxiety, tense conditions or to ease pain. It stimulates the blood and lymph circulation (From the tissues lymph transports the end products of metabolism that are partly too large to return to the circulation, partly cannot decompose in the tissues either. Lymph drainage is of great relevance in terms of the immune system.)

Unlike other types of massage, Thai massage is also different because it is a so called dry massage, meaning that in contrary to the other techniques, no oils or creams are used.

It is not the muscles, but the acupunctural points that are stimulated, by point pressure technique. The process that is used on the entire body has a unique choreography, during the one and a half – two hour massage the masseur goes through all body parts, from head to toe. It also includes stretching exercises, although it does not target the muscles. The masseurs do not only massage with their hands and palms, but also use their knees, soles and elbow. (Even still, the following day they will not be covered by blue and green marks, they only feel the increased energies and wellbeing.)

In the West regular massage already became part of the lifestyle of a wider spectrum of sociological groups. It is quite common that in the evening they do not (or do not always) relax with a glass of whiskey, but spoil themselves with the much more healthy and lasting Thai massage.

Regular use provides wellbeing, and in addition it has an excellent healing effect on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal diseases.

Massage targeted on specific points of the body facilitates complete relaxation. Due to the increased blood circulation more oxygen enters our system and we feel rested. The pores of our skin widen, and due to the increased circulation the accumulated toxins are cleared from the skin (the process can be made more effective by drinking plenty of liquids). As a result, the skin becomes more flexible and tight.

Its analgesic effect has been proved as well, on one hand thanks to its acupunctural effects, on the other hand because of the endorphins that are released during relaxation. Many suffer from joint and bone pain, spinal problems. As time passes, intervertebral discs between the vertebrae lose their flexibility, it flattens and can press the nerve endings, which can cause the waist and back pains. Massage treatments have proven to be a good therapy for the above mentioned complaints as well.
