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This massage brings you back even from a coma!

A young Hungarian girl traveled to Thailand and stayed there for seven years. She returned possessing ancient knowledge: Monika cures seriously ill people as well!

To become a real Thai masseur it is not enough for someone to finish a half-year long crash course. Monika Karsai believes that solely it is not enough either if someone learns from a real Thai for years. For successful healing s/he has to take on the Eastern approach to life, and great empathy is also necessary.


How did you firs come across massage?

I was on a vacation in Thailand when I met the darling granny Nang Oen. She was the first to massage me. We can say she picked me for this task and took me as her student. In the coming seven years, we developed an almost mother-daughter like relationship. We still keep in touch. I often miss her a lot. I owe it to her, that I found the profession that was really designed for me. I obtained all the international certificates that have to do with Thai massage, and I achieved my dream: I founded a massage center.

Massage only helps if we believe in healing ourselves. If we give up, there is nothing to be done.”

Do you massage all the patients yourself?

We do not only massage patients, but also healthy people, who struggle with some mental problems, or their life is too stressful. Thanks to my good relationship with the Thai people, real Thai girls work in my center. They are like my children. They are so lost here! I take care of their matters, I sometimes arrange them programs, and I draw their attention to coats and scarfs when the weather gets cold. They are not used to this.
