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Eastern massage heals and also gives you self-knowledge

A Hungarian lady, owner of the Chi Thai Massage Center is the best Asian therapist in Budapest

In Hungary there are Thai massage salons on almost every corner, and this bewildering range makes it significantly hard to find the real quality treatments. According to the experts, among the numerous healing Thai massage masters in Hungary, it was actually a Hungarian lady, Monika Karsai who founded the Thai Massage Center where the basic aim of this treatment, healing, restoring the harmony of mind and the body is performed at the highest level.

-I spent several years in Thailand, where the local masters introduced me to the basics of Thai massage. “I will be forever grateful to dear mommy Nang Euan, who chose me – and almost as an adopted daughter – taught me for years – Monika tells Vasarnapi Hirek, adding: Later I obtained all the international certificates that have to do with Thai massage at the Wat Po Massage School in Bangkok. Even since then, I visit new masters each year, in order to broaden my knowledge. In Hungary, I graduated as a Health Development Therapist at the Natura Holisztikum Private University. Today it operates with another name, but for almost 10 years now, I co-operate with them as a teacher as well.

Armed with this versatile knowledge Chi Thai Massage Center (www.chimassage.hu) was founded at the Istenhegyi Private Clinic with the aim of creating a meeting point for Eastern and Western approaches, for one of the most ancient far Eastern healing traditions and modern medical science – she explains.

And true that: silence, peace and tranquility embrace you at Chi Thai Massage Center in a unique, authentic environment. Little details created with love (far Eastern vibes, soft music and the exotic scent of incense sticks), kind and attentive staff, skilled Thai massage therapists help in relaxing. The personalized massage and the magic of peacefulness help the true refreshment of body and mind.

But it is not only this magical atmosphere that makes them so different from other Thai massage salons:

-What really makes us different from the others is that in addition to the usual Thai massage services, we are also prepared for health promotion consultations, putting together personalized detoxification, disease prevention and weight loss programs, and if necessary, offering healing treatments as well – says Monika, according to whom Thai massage also serves as a method of diagnostics. If during the treatments the suspicion of any disease or disorder arises, we recommend thorough medical examination and various therapies.

In case of medical problems we conduct a health check. This is done by naturopathic methods – mainly through the sole, but also other techniques. For the first meeting the patient brings the medical diagnosis of their current state. After the health check we make a suggestion of the possible treatments in line with his/ her problem and offer other natural therapies as well. If necessary or needed, we direct him/ her to further doctors. To the question of what professional Thai massage really gives to the body and mind, instead of a scientific explanation Monika tells us about what her patients have experienced: a balanced state of mind, since physical, mental and spiritual harmony is created, the progressive increase of stamina, freshness, wellbeing and the decrease of nerve strains caused by stress, which result in more effective work and the better handling of conflicts. Deeper self-knowledge eventually helps us in recognizing our physical and mental problems better and faster, and maybe in time even be able to treat them.
